What's New
Worshipping in Church
Services are held in church every Sunday at 8.00am and 10.00am, and on the third Sunday of the month a 6.30pm service of Evensong is held in church.
A service of Holy Communion is held in the church every Thursday at 10.00am.
You are very welcome to join us for one of our church services and we have now lifted all our Covid restrictions. However, if you prefer to remain socially distanced, we will try to make provision for you. When it comes to receiving communion, although we offer wine it is very much your decision as to whether you receive or not.
Please see here for further information, including recent weekly emails ( most recent 5 September ). Some previous versions are available here.
If you would like to receive emails from us, you can sign up here
Service recordings
Sunday Service, 8 September 2024, Trinity 15 'It's not Fair'
An excerpt from our service comprising the reading (in 2 parts), the sermon, the Living Faith segment and the intercessions or prayers. This is the second of six sermons in our new sermon series each looking at a parable, based on the book 'Imagine Life God's Way' by John Ortberg.
Please note that YouTube will generate its oGrowthwn subtitles for this, but that takes a little time. If you like to use subtitles, you might want to wait until this happens done - they will appear automatically once they have been generated. Because of the workload it takes, we are no longer editing these automated subtitles. Please let us know if that causes you difficulty.
Did you know that you can watch most of our services and videos on your smart TV?
Just go to YouTube and search for 'St Nicolas Great Bookham'
Upcoming services will be posted on this page, and you can find all previous videos here
Prayer resources that you may find helpful
Giving to the Church
If you would normally give to St Nicolas at a Sunday Service, or would just like to support us, please visit our Donations Page to see how to do this online. Thank you
Parish Notices, Information and Contacts
News Letter The current version of our weekly Newsletter can be found here.
Parish Magazine The latest copy of our monthly St Nicolas News magazine is available to read here
Church Activities A booklet describing what has been happening at St Nicolas over the last year can be read here
Churches Together in Bookham News The most recent edition of "Team Spirit" can be read here
Contacting us
You can contact the Parish Office on weekdays between 09:00 to 12:00:
by phone on 01372 450709
by email on office@stnicolasbookham.org.uk
For a full contact list click here
The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults visiting and participating in Church activities is very important to us.
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact us or the diocese.
Parish Safeguarding Officer:
Roland Martin safeguarding@stnicolasbookham.org.uk
Tel: 07747 563634
Alan Jenkins alan.jenkins@stnicolasbookham.org.uk
Tel: 01372 635873
Diocesan Safeguarding Team:
Tel: 01483 790379