Prayer at St Nicolas
Prayer is a vital part of Christian life and that is as true here at St Nicolas as anywhere. As it says in Ephesians chapter 8 :
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Prayer Resources
The following resources, apps, websites, books etc have all been recommended by church members at St Nicolas. We hope you will find them helpful in your own prayer life and discipleship journey. They are all very different and each will appeal to different people. Some enable a time of daily prayer and study, others are more for learning, study or reflection. All have more details on their websites. Most are free to access.
Daily Prayer
‘Lectio 365’ app – from 24/7 prayer. This gives morning and evening prayer. Morning prayer follows a form of lectio divina reflecting on a bible passage, and evening prayer a form of examen, looking back at your day with God.
‘Pray as you go’ app 15 minutes of music, bible reading and reflection in the Ignatian tradition. Additional material available for retreats, and seasons. Available as app or on website
‘C of E Daily prayer’ app – also available on the Church of England website. Has morning, midday and evening prayer every day. Includes prayers, the daily lectionary readings, and music. The app has audio.
‘Alive to God’ A short email every day with a BIble verse, reflection/application and prayer.
‘Daily worship’ from the Iona community. On YouTube. A time of bible readings and prayers with world music from the Iona community https://www.youtube.com/@IonaCommunityOnline/videos
Evening Prayer from Taize . Audio available every day on their website, Saturday prayer on YouTube. https://www.taize.fr/en_article28227.html
Cathedral morning prayer and evensong. Many cathedrals broadcast their daily prayers on YouTube or Facebook. Check out your favourite cathedral website. Canterbury cathedral has evensong daily on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4_2pO--uILxV6LSRfjOpw
Daily Bible Study and Prayer
‘Daily Bread’ from Scripture Union. A quarterly booklet available by subscription for daily bible study. https://content.scriptureunion.org.uk/resource/daily-bread-digital
‘The Bible in One Year’ by Nicky Gumbel. Book or app. https://bibleinoneyear.org/en/
‘Our daily bread'. A free daily devotional with bible study and prayers available as booklet, email or app. https://odb.org/
Books such as ‘Matthew for everyone’ by Tom Wright. SPCK. A series of books, one for each book of the New Testament, with a commentary on short passages. Undated but can be used as a daily study.
Books such as ‘Genesis for Everyone’ by John Goldingay. SPCK. As above but for the Old Testament books.
‘Every Day with Jesus’ from Waverley Abbey. Free daily devotional, available as a booklet or app. Bible study and short prayer. https://www.waverleyabbey.org/encounter/daily-bible-devotional/
‘New Daylight’ Bible Reading Fellowship. A daily devotional, with bible study and prayer. Available as a booklet, daily email or app.
‘Working Preacher’ from Luther Seminary has commentary and podcasts on the weeks lectionary readings. Additional guides and retreats available . https://www.workingpreacher.org/
Discipleship Resources for Learning
The Faraday Institute for Science and religion - lectures and courses in person or on zoom.
Keswick Convention – puts most of its lectures on line – search you tube. https://www.youtube.com/@keswickconvention
Spring Harvest – many of the talks and services are broadcast on you tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/SpringHarvest
Truth for Life – website - sermons from Alistair Begg. https://www.youtube.com/user/truthforlife
London Institute for Contemporary Christianity has a weekly email with thought for the week and regular conferences and lectures. https://licc.org.uk/
Sarum College in Salisbury runs study days, mostly in person but some on zoom, on a wide range of Christian and theological topics. https://www.sarum.ac.uk/learning/