What to expect: Some Church FAQs Answered
It's natural to have lots of questions whenever you think about going somewhere different or doing something new. We haven't written this page to tell you how to behave - when you go to Church there is no list of dos and don'ts or rights and wrongs - but to help you feel more comfortable about coming to Church. This isn't a rule book you're expected to follow, it's a list of honest questions with honest answers.
Can I come to Church if I haven't been before?
Absolutely! It doesn't matter how long ago it is since you last went to a Church or if you never have. You are always welcome to join us at any of our services, courses or events. At the 10am service on Sundays there'll be a friendly welcomer in the middle of the church (where the four blocks of pews meet up at a type of crossroads) with some more information about life at St Nicolas.

What should I wear?!
Whatever you want! Some people like to come to Church dressed quite smartly and some people like to come in jeans, t-shirts and hoodies when it's cold. No-one will judge you because of what you're wearing. Just be aware that it can get a bit chilly in the Church in the winter so an extra layer is always a good idea.
Do I have to join in?
You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. We will say some of the things we believe together but if you don't want to say those things then you do not have to, you are welcome to listen. If you don't want to sing then there is no expectation to, you can just listen. You are not expected to take communion, pray or do anything which you don't feel comfortable doing. We gather and say and sing these things each week because we believe they are life changing truths, we don't make people believe what we do or say things they don't believe. You can just sit and listen if you would prefer.

Can children come too?
YES, we would love them to! Children of any age are always welcome at any of our services - even if they're noisy! We have a children's area in the church at every service with resources for all ages (young children need to be accompanied in this area) and at the 10am service we offer a small, manned crèche & session for ages 3-7 when possible. At the 5 o'clock gathering we're always happy to get out baby & toddler toys

What is a communion service?
A Communion service is a service where we remember Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection to eternal life by having a piece of bread and a sip of wine. Anyone who believes in Jesus' death and resurrection for salvation is welcome to take communion.
Do I have to have communion?
No. We invite anyone who believes in Jesus' death and resurrection for their salvation to take communion. If you wish to receive bread and wine then someone will indicate to you to come to the front at the relevant point in the service - don't worry someone will tell you what to do at each service!
If you do not want to take communion you can either go up to the front for a blessing (a minister will pray for you) or you can chose to stay in your seat. No-one will mind what you do. If you do go up for a blessing please just keep your hands by your sides so the ministers know you don't wish to recieve communion.