Room Hire
We at St Nicolas are blessed with a church complex with two rooms which can be used for a variety of different events. We are able to take both one-off events and regular bookings in these rooms. At present the bulk of our hirers are adult education classes, community groups and some children's birthday parties. The church itself can also be used for one-off or very infrequent events.
Please note we will ask you to complete a risk assessment form for your activity.
If you wish to arrange a regular booking involving children, young people or vulnerable adults there will be additional safeguarding aspects to your booking. We are happy to offer any guidance of information you require on this matter.
We encourage anyone booking with us to check the diary before you phone the office to make a booking to see if a room is free when you want it. A Blue entry shows the Church is in use, a purple one that the Church Room is in use and a Green one that the Pastoral Centre is in use.
The Main Church Building
Over the years we have had many concerts, talks, displays etc take place in the church which has full audio visual capability. We are also delighted to welcome a variety of community groups and schools for carol services, harvest festivals etc.
The fees for use of the church are:
Session rates for hire of St Nicolas church
Daytime session £75
Evening session other than Fridays and Saturdays £125
Friday and Saturday evening session £180
Where a “session” is one of the following 4 hour slots:
Mornings: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Afternoons: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Evenings: 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Rehearsal session
If the church is hired for an evening performance at the above rates and the organisers also want to hold an afternoon rehearsal on the same day, the rate is:
Afternoon rehearsal session before performance £50
Weekday exhibition
If the church is hired for a weekday exhibition that uses only part of the space and does not prevent other uses of the church at the same time, the rate is:
Weekday exhibition per day £30
The maximum capacity of the church is 225 seated on chairs.
If you would like to use the church for an event, or just to find out a bit more, then contact the Office who can arrange a provisional date with you. Once you have agreed a date then please complete the booking form and risk assessment form below and return them to the office. No booking is confirmed until the forms are returned and we must receive them at least two weeks before the date of your booking, as there is other admin required due to the need to review your requests and risk assessment.
We offer the option of using AV facilities in church if a member of the church is available to operate them. We do ask that if you are using power point that slides are size 16:9 and that you give us the power point and/or any other AVs you are using along with the order of service at least one day before the day of your booking (preferable sooner!).
Please note that if you wish to hold a Baptism, Wedding or Funeral you do not need to complete this form and there are different processes for these services. Have a look at the relevant pages or contact the office for more information if you wish to arrange one of these services.
The Church Room
The Church Room is built as an extension to the church on the North side and can be accessed from the Churchyard or from the church. It is a space approximately 11x6 metres with a good wooden floor and equipped with a kitchen which has enough crockery for groups to use. Disabled toilet facilities are available, as are baby-change facilities.
The room is suitable for use for group meetings, classes, receptions, workshops etc. It does not have a stage. Tables and stacking chairs are provided.
Please note that the Church Room is not available when activities are taking place in the church.
The capacities of the Church Room vary depending upon the type of event:
Maximum overall: 50
Standing (receptions etc): 50
Cinema-style: 40
Conference/meal seated at tables: 40
Hire charge
A flat rate of £50 is charged per morning/afternoon/evening session. We offer a 10% discount to those block booking the Church Room a term at a time – defined as a minimum of 10 sessions over 10 consecutive weeks. Thereby reducing the price to £45 a session.
If you would like to use the Church Room for a one-off event or regular booking, please contact the office to arrange date/s. Once you have agreed a date/s then please complete the relevant booking form and risk assessment form below and return it to the office. No booking is confirmed until the forms have been returned and we must receive them at least two weeks before the date of your booking, as there is other admin required due to the need to review your requests and the risk assessment.
We ask that one-off hirers pay at the time of booking but we can arrange monthly, quarterly or annual invoices for regular bookers.
The Pastoral Centre
The Pastoral Centre is a purpose-built meeting space approximately 12x7 metres, accessible from Church Road via the passage by Carolina's Coffee & the Barbers or through the churchyard. The space is carpeted and equipped with a number of arm chairs as well as stackable chairs and tables. Additional stacking chairs are available on request. There is a kitchen capable of serving hot drinks and simple meals. Disabled toilet facilities are available, as are baby change facilities. Audio-visual equipment is installed and available for use at a small charge.
The room is suitable for use for group meetings, classes, receptions, workshops etc. It does not have a stage.
There is a garden which can be used.
Please be aware that due to the proximity to our neighbours, we cannot offer this space for parties with loud music.
The capacities of the Pastoral Centre vary depending upon the type of event:
Maximum overall : 70
Standing (receptions etc.) : 70
Cinema-style : 60
Conference/meal using tables : 60
Hire charge
A flat rate of £50 is charged per morning/afternoon/evening session. We offer a 10% discount to those block booking the Pastoral Centre a term at a time – defined as a minimum of 10 sessions over 10 consecutive weeks. Thereby reducing the price to £45 a session.
Charge for use of AV facilities : £10
We do not have a carpark and we ask all users and hirers of rooms at St Nicolas to be considerate in where they park in the vicinity. There is parking in Church Road, the High Street and in pay and display carparks located off Lowershott Road and off Lower Road (between the Baptist Church and the Co-op). We ask that you show consideration of our neighbours and do not park in Fife Way.