Opportunities to meet people in Bookham
If you are someone’s carer, living alone or just new to the area, all of the groups you will read about below are here for you. To give you the opportunity to make new friends, have anything form a stimulating conversation or a friendly chat, and to give you a change of scene from being at home.
Below, you will find a variety of events held in or very near Bookham village where you will find a friendly and warm welcome. Events at the three churches in Bookham are open to all. You are welcome to turn up at any of these events but for more information, or to check the dates of groups which do not meet weekly contact details are given for further information.
These events are organised by day, some meet weekly, some fortnightly and some occasional. All are truly welcome at any or all of these activities.
Friendship Lunches
Occasional Sundays at 12noon for 12.30pm in St Nicolas Pastoral Centre
Friendship Lunches happen 3-4 times a year and are an opportunity for those who would usually eat alone to enjoy a time of friendship and fellowship over a meal. Newcomers are always very welcome.
Guests are offered a sherry or soft drink as they arrive before sitting down. The lunch consists of a generous salad buffet followed by home-made desserts.
For more information and for dates please get in touch with us.
Contact: 01372 450709
Email: office@stnicolasbookham.org.uk
As separately advertised
A pampering opportunity with refreshments, hand and foot massages, nails and make up done, the delights of a chocolate fountain to enjoy and more.
At Easter and Christmas we hold an adult-only Evening Oasis 7-9.30pm instead, where, for a small entrance fee, you can enjoy the pampering, chocolate fountain and chat over drinks and nibbles, as well as trying your hand at a variety of seasonal crafts. Let us pamper you next month!
Contact the Church Office: 01372 811313
Email: office@bookhambaptist.org
The Meeting Point
Some Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm at Eastwick Road Church
A friendly group meeting to enjoy tea, cake, chat and often other forms of entertainment.
Eastwick Road Church, Bookham
Contact: 01372 453704
Email: secretary@bookhamurc.org.uk
Connect - Dementia Carer support group
Every other Thursday 10am - 12noon at St Lawrence Church Hall
A fortnightly group for carers and partners living with dementia. There is time to chat and make friends, a variety of activities and refreshments are served.
St Lawrence Church Hall is on Browns Lane, Effingham
Contact: 01372 457987
Email: GillianMWalker@gmail.com
Senior Moments
Tuesdays 11am - 12 noon at Bookham Library
Come along to chat about your favourite games, music, food, entertainment and other themes from your past.
Bookham Library is located in Townshott Close
Contact: 0300 200 1001
Email: contact.centre@surreycc.gov.uk
Tuesday Coffee
Every Tuesday 10am - 12noon at St Nicolas Pastoral Centre
Meet new friends whilst enjoying tea, coffee and biscuits. A CAB advisor is available on the second Tuesday of each month to offer free & confidential advice, this is a drop in session but to contact Sheila (the CAB advisor) in advance please contact 07847 162128.
Access the Pastoral Centre through the churchyard or by alleyway between the barbers & Carolina’s in Church Road.
Contact: 01372 450709

Golden Years
Wednesdays 2pm – 3.30pm
1st and 3rd Wednesday’s at Bookham Baptist Church
2nd and 4th Wednesday’s at Eastwick Road Church.
A friendly social gathering of local 60+ for a cuppa and companionship. With a range of activities, games and crafts to enjoy together.
A great time to get to know new people and have some time out.
The Meeting Place
Mondays, Fridays & Saturdays 10am-12noon at Bookham Baptist Church
The Meeting Place is a place for everyone. You can come on your own and meet new people, with friends or with your children. A variety of "barista-style" coffees are served along with cakes made by residents at ‘The Grange’.
Bookham Baptist Children's Centre run a Rhyme Time session during Fridays in term time and a creche area is available.
Contact Bookham Baptist Church Office: 01372 811313
Email: office@bookhambaptist.org