There is One Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all who is overall, through all and in all.
Ephesians 4 vv 5-6
What is Baptism?
Baptism is an important commitment which either an adult makes to God or a parent makes on behalf of their child, acknowledging that they will bring them up in the Christian faith they say that they hold. The service of baptism for a child can sometimes be called a Christening. Baptism is a commitment in which someone says (or parents say on behalf of a child) that they turn away from sin and come to Jesus, and acknowledge Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is when someone becomes a member of the Church.
Baptism is an incredible gift from God, it shows His love for us, and that anyone can turn to Him and receive a fresh start - a new life which will last for eternity. It is God's great gift to His Church and a joy for us.

I'd like to find out more
If you feel that you would like to find out more about the Christian faith or any aspect of baptism then please do get in touch with us. We will always arrange an opportunity for you to meet with someone and ask any questions or find out a bit more.
I'm not sure I'm ready to make the commitment of baptism
You might prefer to hold a thanksgiving for the birth of your child. This is a wonderful chance to offer thanks to God for your new arrival in a church service and ask for His help in raising your child. If you chose to hold a thanksgiving for your child then it doesn't mean they cannot be baptised at a future date when you are able to keep the promises you're making, or they are able to make the promises for themselves. Thanksgivings are always held during a 10am service. We'd be happy to chat to you about this more if you would be interested in a thanksgiving.
Baptism is a big commitment. You will make some big promises to God on behalf of your child, and commit to raising them as a Christian. If at any stage in arranging a baptism, from the initial meeting to baptism preparation with the minister, you feel that the time isn't right please say something! We'll be happy to chat to you about what you're feeling and your questions.
How do I arrange a Baptism?

If you wish to make the commitment of baptism on behalf of your child or for yourself the first step is to join us at church on Sunday for a regular 10am service to chat a little bit about baptism with a member of the clergy. You are welcome at any service but we recommend our more informal Morning Praise on the first Sunday of the month. We have a children’s corner with toys and children’s groups during the service for those ages 3-10. Please also contact our office who will send you some information about baptism so you can think through whether this is a commitment you wish to make - it also means we know to keep an eye out for you on Sunday!
Once we’ve met you, and you’ve thought through the commitments of baptism, we can talk about when you might like the baptism to take place. Please contact the office again to discuss some potential dates. Our parish administrator will book you in and also inform the clergy who will then decide which one of them will take the baptism service.
When do Baptisms happen?
We offer baptisms on the first Sunday of the month at our Morning Praise service at 10am, or at a special baptism service at 12 noon on the last Sunday of the month. We have a maximum of two families at any one baptism service (due to space!)
As a person becomes a member of the Church in baptism we would strongly encourage you to choose a baptism date during a regular 10am service. In the case of older children and adults wanting to be baptised we tend to encourage baptism at a service of confirmation when one the local bishops is present.
Baptism Preparation
Around two months before the baptism the minister taking the baptism will visit you in your home to get to know you and your child and to go through the baptism service with you, explaining what baptism is for, the commitments you will be making, and how you and your child can become part of the church family. This also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about baptism or the Christian faith.
Nearer to the time of the baptism one of our trained and authorised Baptism Visitors will be in touch. They will arrange to meet you and will be another point of contact with the church who can answer any questions you may have about the service. They will be at the service to welcome you and your family and keep in touch with you afterwards.
When you meet us
We want you to feel truly welcome when you come to join us in church. Baptism is about becoming a member of the Church family - Christian life was never intended to be lived alone! So that you know who to look out for we've put up the photos of the clergy to talk to and our Baptism Visitors. We have hot drinks after the 10am service and we would encourage you to join us for this time of fellowship and to meet some more members of the church as well as those you need to speak to about arranging a baptism.
Every family who arranges a baptism with us will always have a Baptism Visitor assigned to them, as well as the minister who will be baptising your child. This person will support you in the run up to Baptism and be there with you on the day as well.
They'll give you a bit more information about life at St Nicolas and help you to find your role in the life of the Church family. Any of us would also be more than happy to chat to you a bit about this - please just ask!


Baptism Visitor

Ordained Local Minister

Baptism Visitor

Families and Children's Minister