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 Holiday Club

Holiday Club 2018 was Team Builders.  This club had a sports theme but each year has a different theme with crafts, drama, games, stories and much more! As with any of our children's activities you do not need to come to church  to be involved.  We love to share the holiday club fun with as many children as we can and as long as your child is aged between 5 and 11 we won't turn them away.  Check this page again in summer 2019 to sign-up for next year's club

Jesus welcomed anyone, no matter what, and we seek to do the same.  As such, inclusion is central to our children's work.  If your child has an additional needs, or requirements, we will do everything we can to welcome them into holiday club, and to give them as full  an experience as any other child.  We are always grateful for donations but they are not required to attend the club -we do not want any money to be a bar.


Holiday Club is what the children make it; each day will be interactive and planned to engage all ages of children.  Some parts of the club happen all together and others happen in age groups (5-6s, 7-9s & 10-11s) so your child can interact with their peers whilst still being part of holiday club as a whole.  We're very sensitive to friend requests so let us know, in advance if possible, but we wil accomodate them on the day as well.  We want the children to enjoy this week and understand that they will want to be with their friends.

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What Happens at Holiday Club?

When you first arrive at Holiday Club you'll need to fill in a registration form if you haven't already registered.  After this your child will join a group where they can meet their group leaders and begin a simple craft.  We gather together at various points in the morning to meet the upfront presenters who set the scene and provide entertainment for the children, action songs, a Bible story film and to watch a drama.  The children will also have the opportunity to make a slightly more complex (but still age appropriate) craft to take home.  The 10-11 year olds will always have a separate activity which will give them a bit more to sink their teeth into!  We try to get outside for games every day but this is rather dependent upon the weather!  Even if we stay inside we still have games where the children can let off some steam.

At the end of each day we'll have a "messy game" which a few children choose to take part in (no-one is made to participate and can change  their mind even after they've asked to play a game).  The games are of varying degrees of messiness - last year we had shaving foam sculptures, jelly over-under, spoon shovelling & a game involving water balloons! 


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The Finale & BBQ

We like to end the week with something special and a celebration of all the great stuff that happened at Holiday Club.  So we have a chilled time together of fun and activities hearing about everything we got up to at Holiday Club which will be followed by a BBQ.  At the BBQ there'll be food and drink provided (incl. allergy friendly options) and all sorts of activities for all ages.  We make sure this is an event which is suitable for all the family so younger/older siblings are very welcome too.

Holiday Club 2018 - Teambuilders

Last year's theme was team & sports with crafts, games & dramas.  Each day we found out how Jesus loved us and has a speicla plan and place for each of us on his team- which we celebrated by having as much fun as possible!

Here's a snapshot of some of the fun we had in 2018!

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