10 o'clock Holy Communion
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This service, which is offered every Sunday except the first Sunday, has a formal structure and is traditional in style with hymns led by an organ and our choir. You will be given a service booklet and hymn book with all the words you will need for the service, which will also be projected onto screens. The Minister leading the service will tell you where to find the words you need. Everyone is welcome to participate in whatever way they are comfortable with - you are welcome to just sit & listen if you prefer. No-one will mind!
This is a service of communion so we invite all who know Jesus as their Saviour & Lord to receive bread and wine. Anyone is welcome to receive a blessing (be prayed for) during the time of communion.
There is a space in the church stocked with resources for children of all ages (books, colouring, baby toys etc.) and small manned crèche will meet during the service. When possible there'll also be a group for ages 3-7. You can find out more about children's provision here.
There is always time for a chat over coffee after the service.