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Millenium Kneelers

This page is in development and when finished will hold the documents of the Millenium Kneeler Project.


AA – Stitcher: Ann Andrews.  Title: A Pure Ginger cat.  Created in memory of William

          Andrews 1900-1998.

AA(2) – Stitcher: Ann Andrews.  Title: M.J.R. – M.R.R. (Red Rose)

AMA – Stitcher: Ann Alderton.  Title:  British Red Cross.

CEA – Stitcher: Chloë Adie.  Title: Lion (Robert Adie).

GMA – Stitcher: Gillian Allen.  Title: Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Created in memory of  

               Sheila Myers and in celebration of The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. 

               See also John Allnutt, Life with a Guide Dog.

GMA(2) – Stitcher: Gillian Allen.  Title: St Nicolas.

JFA – Stitcher: John Adie.  Title: The Mission to Seafarers.

JFA (2) – Stitcher: John Adie.  Title: Bert and Sylvia Charles.

SPA – Stitcher: Shirley Addison.  Title: The Addison Family.

SPA (2) – Stitcher: Shirley Addison.  Title: Sparklers.

Acorn Listeners – stitched by the Acorn team (J, M, G, M and S).

Adie, Chloe, see CEA.

Addison, Shirley, see SPA.

Alderton, Ann, see AMA.

Allen, Gillian, see GMA.

Allnutt, John, Life with a Guide Dog, see GMA.

Anderson, Michael, interviewed on behalf of Bookham Liberal Democrats, see AFC (4).

Andrews, Ann, see AA.

Andrews, Norman and Carol, see ER.

Jane Austen Society, see DK.

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